Chris Adams: Strata

“When Helen initially asked me to write her a harp piece, one possibility that arose in discussion was that of using a loop pedal. This created many possibilities for the piece, but also created limits in the way I could use certain material. After the expansive opening, Strata uses multiple layers built up of patterns played over top of each other. The constantly repeating riffs drive the piece and the melodic material weaves around this, sometimes in sync and sometimes purposely against the underlying patterns. Strata was written while I was Mozart Fellow at the University of Otago in 2011.”
Chris Adams has had works commissioned, performed and read by a wide variety of groups in New Zealand, Italy, and Britain, including the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, NZ Trio, Auckland Philharmonia, Auckland Chamber Orchestra, Jade String Quartet, and Southern Sinfonia. He has been the Mozart Fellow (2010-2011) at the University of Otago, the Auckland Philharmonia’s Composer in Residence (2009) and was the inaugural University of Otago/Wallace Arts Trust Artist in Residence at the Pah Homestead from July to September, 2010. Composition awards include the Philip Neill Memorial Prize (2008), for his string quartet, Persephone.

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